Summer of 2020: A Drive-In Comedy Special (working title) is Colin Quinn’s multi-act, socially distant, stand-up special being taped for HBO MAX. Directed by Quinn, who will also perform, the special is part documentary and part standup showcase. The comedians -- Chris DiStefano, Marina Franklin, Bonnie McFarlane, Keith Robinson, Dan Soder and other top comedians along with host Rich Vos, will tape at a repurposed drive-in movie theater in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and uphold all social distancing regulations.

“Anybody can please an audience” said Quinn. “It takes a real comedian to make a bunch of cars laugh.”

We invite you to join us for this great comedy special from the safety of your own car.


Tickets Info
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Covid Disclaimer
In an effort to make this drive-in comedy event as safe as possible during the novel coronavirus pandemic, we ask that you read and acknowledge the rules, protocols, terms and conditions
If you, and all members of your party, agree to abide by all rules and protocols, and agree to all terms and conditions of attending this event, please check the I/we acknowledge box and your request will be processed on a first come, first served basis.
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Please note we can't accept convertibles or any motorcycles. The car must be fully enclosed. Trucks are permitted but audience members must be seated on the inside of the cabin only. You will be in the vehicle for the entire show except if you need to use the restroom. You are required to wear a mask anytime you are outside of the vehicle. Please see the questionnaire sample, each audience member will be required to answer 48 hours prior to the show. We require that each car contain a maximum of 4 adults 18 and over who have sheltered in together during the pandemic. During the show you will be allowed to lower the windows of the car and be mask-less in the car only. Each car will be parked safely and socially distanced.

We thank you in advance for cooperating with us and we are thrilled and excited to bring you a wonderful night of safe, socially distanced comedy in NYC